If you don't know what a system function is, it looks like this:
system 5082, l_platform;
Below I have listed what I have been able to gather. I plan to add and update this going forward.
0351 - currency format - replaced by Currency_SetDecimalSymbol(), Currency_SetSymbol(), Currency_SetThousandsSymbol()
0352 - currency format - replaced by Currency_SetLeadingSymbol(), Currency_SetNegativeParens(), Currency_SetNumberOfDecimals()
0353 - currency format - replaced by Currency_SetLeadingZero(), Currency_SetNegativeAfterValue()
0354 - currency format - replaced by Currency_SetNegativeBeforeSymbol(), Currency_SetNegativeSymbol()
0355 - currency format - replaced by replaced by Currency_GetNativeSymbol()
0356 - currency format - replaced by Currency_GetDecimalSymbol(), Currency_GetSymbol(), Currency_GetThousandsSymbol()
0357 - currency format - Currency_GetLeadingSymbol(), Currency_GetNegativeParens(), Currency_GetNumberOfDecimals()
0358 - currency format - Currency_GetLeadingZero(), Currency_GetNegativeAfterValue()
0359 - currency format - Currency_GetNegativeBeforeSymbol(), Currency_GetNegativeSymbol()
0772 - checks mode used to exit runtime engine - replaced by Activity_GetExitMode()
0774 - checks mode used to exit runtime engine - replaced by Activity_GetExitMode()
1300 - fills list box with data source names - replaced by Login_GetDataSources()
1301 - logs user into data source - replaced by Login_LogIntoDataSource()
1302 - gets login info - replaced with Login_GetInfo()
1303 - opens login window - replaced with Login_OpenDexDialog()
1304 - disconnect from data source - replaced by Login_ExitDataSource()
1306 - sets whether delete table statement drops table or deletes data - replaced by Table_SetDeleteOptions()
1308 - validates login - replaced with Login_VerifyInfo()
1317 - delete all records - replaced by Table_Truncate()
1318 - validate table structure - replaced by Table_Compare()
1319 - forces client buffer refresh - replaced by Table_SetRefreshFlags()
1960 - allows user to select dictionary location - replaced by Launch_SelectDict()
1961 - allows user to select a launch file - replaced by Launch_SelectFile()
1962 - gets generic path of current launch file - replaced by Launch_GetFileName()
1964 - fills list fields with info from launch file - replaced by Launch_GetFileInfo()
1965 - gets path to a dictionary from the launch file - replaced by Launch_ReadDictPath()
1966 - writes path to a dictionary to the launch file - replaced by Launch_WriteDictPath()
1967 - gets file name from generic path - replaced by Launch_ParseFileFromPath(), Path_ParseFileFromPath()
2500 - sets style and color for required fields - replaced by Field_SetRequiredFormat()
2501 - sets style and color for required fields - replaced by Field_SetRequiredFormat()
2502 - sets style and color for required fields - replaced by Field_SetRequiredFormat()
2503 - gets runtime version - replacd by Runtime_GetVersionNum()
2504 - forces window redraw - replaced by Window_ForceRedraw()
2508 - writes a setting to dex.ini - replaced by Defaults_Write()
2509 - reads a setting from dex.ini - replaced by Defaults_Read()
2510 - changes default path for tables - replaced by Path_ChangeDefault()
2511 - ignore error checking on tables - replaced by Table_DisableErrorChecks()
2512 - changes enter key and tab key functonality - replaced by Runtime_SetFieldEnterMode()
2516 - open a text file - replaced by TextFile_Open()
2517 - close a text file - replaced by TextFile_Close()
2518 - reads a line from a text file - replaced by TextFile_ReadLine()
2519 - writes a line to a text file - replaced by TextFile_WriteLine()
2520 - change title of about box - replaced by Runtime_SetAboutMenu()
2521 - get current dicntionary file name - replaced by Dict_GetName()
2522 - insert string into text field - replaced by Field_InsertStringInText()
2523 - parses text field into string- replaced by Field_ParseText()
2524 - writes a line to a text file in DOS format - replaced by TextFile_WriteDOS()
2526 - get number of files open - replaced by File_Count()
2528 - delete a file from the OS - replaced by File_Delete()
2540 - gets required property of a field - replaced by Field_GetRequiredStatus()
2540 - sets required property of a field - replaced by Field_SetRequiredStatus()
2996 - DDE function - replaced by DDE_EndConversation() which is no longer supported either
2997 - DDE function - replaced by DDE_WriteToServer() which is no longer supported either
2998 - DDE function - replaced by DDE_ReadFromServer() which is no longer supported either
2999 - DDE function - replaced by DDE_ExecuteServerCommand() which is no longer supported either
3522 - gets IP address of client workstation - replaced by IP_GetIPNumber()
3523 - ping process server - replaced by IP_PingDPS()
5001 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_GetLinkedPrompt() which is no longer supported either
5004 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_FillFormList() which is no longer supported either
5005 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_FillWindowList() which is no longer supported either
5006 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_FillFieldList() which is no longer supported either
5007 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_GetFieldID() which is no longer supported either
5008 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_GetArrayIndex() which is no longer supported either
5009 - gets dex resource id - replaced by Resource_GetID()
5010 - converts generic to native path - replaced by Path_MakeNative()
5011 - converts native to generic path - replaced by Path_MakeGeneric()
5012 - gets count of resources - replaced by Resource_StartSeriesFill()
5013 - gets resource id and name - replaced by Resource_GetInfo()
5014 - fills list fields with display name and technical name of resources - replaced by Resource_FillSeriesList()
5015 - fills list field with table named - replaced by Table_FillList()
5016 - fills list field with table group names - replaced by Table_FillGroupList()
5017 - gets title of a window - replaced by Window_GetTitle()
5018 - validates data in a record in a table - replaced by Table_VerifyRecord()
5019 - create a temp table to hold data from shrunk table - replaced by Table_StartShrink()
5020 - copy record into temp table for shrinking - replaced by Table_CopyShrinkRecords()
5021 - finish table shrink - replaced by Table_EndShrink()
5022 - releases series fill resources - replaced by Resource_EndSeriesFill()
5023 - marks or unmarks items in list - replaced by Field_MarkListItems()
5024 - allow user to select path to a file - replaced by Path_SelectPathname()
5026 - release lock on forms or reports dictionary - replaced by Dict_UnlockCustom()
5027 - get count of forms or reports in dictionary - replaced by Dict_CountCustomResource()
5028 - get info on a form or report - replaced by Dict_GetCustomResourceInfo()
5029 - create new folder - replace by Path_CreateFolder()
5030 - get title of forms main window - replaced by Window_GetMainWindowTitle()
5031 - get path to runtime engine - replaced by Dict_GetPathname(), Path_GetForApp()
5032 - get display name for table - replaced by Table_GetDisplayName()
5033 - lock forms or reports dictionary - replaced by Dict_LockCustom()
5053 - enable modifier menu items - replaced by Tools_EnableModifier()
5054 - enable report writer menu items - replaced by Tools_EnableReportWriter()
5055 - get runtime version info - replaced by Runtime_GetModuleInfo()
5056 - get runtime version info - replaced by Runtime_GetModuleInfo()
5058 - get runtime version info - replaced by Runtime_GetModuleInfo()
5061 - check for background processing - replaced by Activity_GetBackgroundStatus()
5064 - appends string to text field - replaced by Field_AppendStringToText() which is no longer supported either
5082 - gets the type of OS - replaced by Runtime_GetOSType() which is no longer supported either
5090 - gets resource display name - replaced by Activity_GetResourceName(),Resource_GetDisplayName()
5091 - starts converting data from old table def to new table def - replaced by Table_StartConversion()
5092 - finish table conversion - replaced by Table_EndConversion()
5095 - sets default database type - replaced by Table_SetDBType()
5096 - gets title of window - replaced by Window_GetTitleByProduct()
5100 - fills list field with product names from launch file - replaced by Launch_FillListWithProds()
5101 - gets a product id from the launch file - replaced by Launch_GetProdID()
5103 - gets number of products in launch file - replace by Launch_CountProds()
5104 - gets product name from launch file - replaced by Launch_GetProdName()
5105 - gets position of product in launch file - replaced by Launch_GetProdPosition()
5125 - old ctree and pervasive SQL function to check whether table can shrink - replaced by Table_GetAutoShrinkMode()
5126 - old ctree and pervasive SQL function to shrink table - replaced by Table_AutoShrink()
5127 - old ctree and pervasive SQL function to rebuild indexes - replaced by Table_RebuildIndexes()
5147 - returns temp table physical name
5196 - specify whether tables will be auto created when accessed replaced by Table_SetCreateMode()
8000 - checks if a file exists and can be opened - replaced by File_Probe()
0352 - currency format - replaced by Currency_SetLeadingSymbol(), Currency_SetNegativeParens(), Currency_SetNumberOfDecimals()
0353 - currency format - replaced by Currency_SetLeadingZero(), Currency_SetNegativeAfterValue()
0354 - currency format - replaced by Currency_SetNegativeBeforeSymbol(), Currency_SetNegativeSymbol()
0355 - currency format - replaced by replaced by Currency_GetNativeSymbol()
0356 - currency format - replaced by Currency_GetDecimalSymbol(), Currency_GetSymbol(), Currency_GetThousandsSymbol()
0357 - currency format - Currency_GetLeadingSymbol(), Currency_GetNegativeParens(), Currency_GetNumberOfDecimals()
0358 - currency format - Currency_GetLeadingZero(), Currency_GetNegativeAfterValue()
0359 - currency format - Currency_GetNegativeBeforeSymbol(), Currency_GetNegativeSymbol()
0772 - checks mode used to exit runtime engine - replaced by Activity_GetExitMode()
0774 - checks mode used to exit runtime engine - replaced by Activity_GetExitMode()
1300 - fills list box with data source names - replaced by Login_GetDataSources()
1301 - logs user into data source - replaced by Login_LogIntoDataSource()
1302 - gets login info - replaced with Login_GetInfo()
1303 - opens login window - replaced with Login_OpenDexDialog()
1304 - disconnect from data source - replaced by Login_ExitDataSource()
1306 - sets whether delete table statement drops table or deletes data - replaced by Table_SetDeleteOptions()
1308 - validates login - replaced with Login_VerifyInfo()
1317 - delete all records - replaced by Table_Truncate()
1318 - validate table structure - replaced by Table_Compare()
1319 - forces client buffer refresh - replaced by Table_SetRefreshFlags()
1960 - allows user to select dictionary location - replaced by Launch_SelectDict()
1961 - allows user to select a launch file - replaced by Launch_SelectFile()
1962 - gets generic path of current launch file - replaced by Launch_GetFileName()
1964 - fills list fields with info from launch file - replaced by Launch_GetFileInfo()
1965 - gets path to a dictionary from the launch file - replaced by Launch_ReadDictPath()
1966 - writes path to a dictionary to the launch file - replaced by Launch_WriteDictPath()
1967 - gets file name from generic path - replaced by Launch_ParseFileFromPath(), Path_ParseFileFromPath()
2500 - sets style and color for required fields - replaced by Field_SetRequiredFormat()
2501 - sets style and color for required fields - replaced by Field_SetRequiredFormat()
2502 - sets style and color for required fields - replaced by Field_SetRequiredFormat()
2503 - gets runtime version - replacd by Runtime_GetVersionNum()
2504 - forces window redraw - replaced by Window_ForceRedraw()
2508 - writes a setting to dex.ini - replaced by Defaults_Write()
2509 - reads a setting from dex.ini - replaced by Defaults_Read()
2510 - changes default path for tables - replaced by Path_ChangeDefault()
2511 - ignore error checking on tables - replaced by Table_DisableErrorChecks()
2512 - changes enter key and tab key functonality - replaced by Runtime_SetFieldEnterMode()
2516 - open a text file - replaced by TextFile_Open()
2517 - close a text file - replaced by TextFile_Close()
2518 - reads a line from a text file - replaced by TextFile_ReadLine()
2519 - writes a line to a text file - replaced by TextFile_WriteLine()
2520 - change title of about box - replaced by Runtime_SetAboutMenu()
2521 - get current dicntionary file name - replaced by Dict_GetName()
2522 - insert string into text field - replaced by Field_InsertStringInText()
2523 - parses text field into string- replaced by Field_ParseText()
2524 - writes a line to a text file in DOS format - replaced by TextFile_WriteDOS()
2526 - get number of files open - replaced by File_Count()
2528 - delete a file from the OS - replaced by File_Delete()
2540 - gets required property of a field - replaced by Field_GetRequiredStatus()
2540 - sets required property of a field - replaced by Field_SetRequiredStatus()
2996 - DDE function - replaced by DDE_EndConversation() which is no longer supported either
2997 - DDE function - replaced by DDE_WriteToServer() which is no longer supported either
2998 - DDE function - replaced by DDE_ReadFromServer() which is no longer supported either
2999 - DDE function - replaced by DDE_ExecuteServerCommand() which is no longer supported either
3522 - gets IP address of client workstation - replaced by IP_GetIPNumber()
3523 - ping process server - replaced by IP_PingDPS()
5001 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_GetLinkedPrompt() which is no longer supported either
5004 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_FillFormList() which is no longer supported either
5005 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_FillWindowList() which is no longer supported either
5006 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_FillFieldList() which is no longer supported either
5007 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_GetFieldID() which is no longer supported either
5008 - help function - replaced by DexHelp_GetArrayIndex() which is no longer supported either
5009 - gets dex resource id - replaced by Resource_GetID()
5010 - converts generic to native path - replaced by Path_MakeNative()
5011 - converts native to generic path - replaced by Path_MakeGeneric()
5012 - gets count of resources - replaced by Resource_StartSeriesFill()
5013 - gets resource id and name - replaced by Resource_GetInfo()
5014 - fills list fields with display name and technical name of resources - replaced by Resource_FillSeriesList()
5015 - fills list field with table named - replaced by Table_FillList()
5016 - fills list field with table group names - replaced by Table_FillGroupList()
5017 - gets title of a window - replaced by Window_GetTitle()
5018 - validates data in a record in a table - replaced by Table_VerifyRecord()
5019 - create a temp table to hold data from shrunk table - replaced by Table_StartShrink()
5020 - copy record into temp table for shrinking - replaced by Table_CopyShrinkRecords()
5021 - finish table shrink - replaced by Table_EndShrink()
5022 - releases series fill resources - replaced by Resource_EndSeriesFill()
5023 - marks or unmarks items in list - replaced by Field_MarkListItems()
5024 - allow user to select path to a file - replaced by Path_SelectPathname()
5026 - release lock on forms or reports dictionary - replaced by Dict_UnlockCustom()
5027 - get count of forms or reports in dictionary - replaced by Dict_CountCustomResource()
5028 - get info on a form or report - replaced by Dict_GetCustomResourceInfo()
5029 - create new folder - replace by Path_CreateFolder()
5030 - get title of forms main window - replaced by Window_GetMainWindowTitle()
5031 - get path to runtime engine - replaced by Dict_GetPathname(), Path_GetForApp()
5032 - get display name for table - replaced by Table_GetDisplayName()
5033 - lock forms or reports dictionary - replaced by Dict_LockCustom()
5053 - enable modifier menu items - replaced by Tools_EnableModifier()
5054 - enable report writer menu items - replaced by Tools_EnableReportWriter()
5055 - get runtime version info - replaced by Runtime_GetModuleInfo()
5056 - get runtime version info - replaced by Runtime_GetModuleInfo()
5058 - get runtime version info - replaced by Runtime_GetModuleInfo()
5061 - check for background processing - replaced by Activity_GetBackgroundStatus()
5064 - appends string to text field - replaced by Field_AppendStringToText() which is no longer supported either
5082 - gets the type of OS - replaced by Runtime_GetOSType() which is no longer supported either
5090 - gets resource display name - replaced by Activity_GetResourceName(),Resource_GetDisplayName()
5091 - starts converting data from old table def to new table def - replaced by Table_StartConversion()
5092 - finish table conversion - replaced by Table_EndConversion()
5095 - sets default database type - replaced by Table_SetDBType()
5096 - gets title of window - replaced by Window_GetTitleByProduct()
5100 - fills list field with product names from launch file - replaced by Launch_FillListWithProds()
5101 - gets a product id from the launch file - replaced by Launch_GetProdID()
5103 - gets number of products in launch file - replace by Launch_CountProds()
5104 - gets product name from launch file - replaced by Launch_GetProdName()
5105 - gets position of product in launch file - replaced by Launch_GetProdPosition()
5125 - old ctree and pervasive SQL function to check whether table can shrink - replaced by Table_GetAutoShrinkMode()
5126 - old ctree and pervasive SQL function to shrink table - replaced by Table_AutoShrink()
5127 - old ctree and pervasive SQL function to rebuild indexes - replaced by Table_RebuildIndexes()
5147 - returns temp table physical name
5196 - specify whether tables will be auto created when accessed replaced by Table_SetCreateMode()
8000 - checks if a file exists and can be opened - replaced by File_Probe()