Friday, May 17, 2019

SQL Server RAM allocation Best Practices

I get asked all the time:

How much RAM should I allocate to SQL?

In 2021, if you are on standard edition, the answer is always 128GB, which is the max.
So how much RAM needs to be in the server to allocate 128GB to SQL?  147GB

The Best practices formula is:

T=total GB RAM in server
A=GB RAM that should be allocated to SQL server.

 A = T - (1 + ((if(T>16) then 3 else (T-4)/4)) + (if(T<=16) then 0 else (T-16)/8))

If I want to figure out how much RAM I need in the machine to allocate a certain amount to SQL once above 16GB:

T=((A+2) * 8)/7

OK, so that is kind of complicated and RAM comes in limited increments. So I have generated the following table for the most common increments of RAM.

SQL 2022 TSQL snapshot backups!

  SQL 2022 now actually supports snapshot backups!  More specifically, T-SQL snapshot backups. Of course this is hardware-dependent. Here ...