Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dream SQL Install

I see debates all the time over which way is best to set up the hardware for a particular SQL install.  So I decided to lay out what the hardware setup would look like in my ideal GP SQL installation if money was no object.

First, I would buy a Dell PowerEdge and an HP Proliant and us them as doorstops while the boys carry in a new maxed out SGI IDC3212-RP4
Specs here: http://www.sgi.com/products/servers/infinitedata_cluster/configs.html

  We may also need step-stools later, so I would then toss them in the corner.  I would then hook up a SAN with a fibre channel backbone.  I am only installing TWO in my imaginary world, so I would put in 5 2TB SSDs.  I would install the OS and SQL Server binaries on SSD1. Then the following:
SSD2: MDF files (Except tempdb)
SSD3: LDF files
SSD4: tempdb files
SSD5: BAK files
I would set the initial db size on DYNAMICS and TWO to 250GB to prevent file growth for a while.

I would then connect the entire rig to a 16Tbps connection and replicate the install on the east and west coast, I would then set up SQL clustering to mirror the entire setup between the systems, and use SQL replication features to allow seamless switching from one instance to another in case of failure.

So there is the upper limit.  Anything else is a compromise, and must be weighed against an organization's needs and budget.

I hope you enjoyed my little foray in dreamland.

SQL 2022 TSQL snapshot backups!

  SQL 2022 now actually supports snapshot backups!  More specifically, T-SQL snapshot backups. Of course this is hardware-dependent. Here ...