Wednesday, May 11, 2016

SmartConnect can't see my custom proc

I have repeatedly been frustrated when trying to install custom nodes in eOne SmartConnect.
There is little documentation on the web and this has been a pain for several versions, so I have decided to maintain this post to list ways in which we have gotten it to work.

First, lets detail the steps installing a node in smartconnnect (assuming whe stored proc is already installed.  Let's assume the stored proc name is MyEconnectProc.)
1. Launch Smartconnect as an administrator
2. Click the Maintenance Tab and then choose Node Maintenance.

Note:  If you do not see a list of nodes in the window you need to stop here and follow the SmartConect installation documentation to install the default GP nodes before proceeding.  Make sure you restart SQL server after this is done, and then restart SmartConnect.

3. Navigate to the point in the tree where you want your node to appear.  I want this one to appear under Payables > Vendors, so I will right click on that node and choose Add New Node.

4. In the window that pops up, I need to enter the name of my proc in the Technical Name.  It is important that it be capitalized the same as the proc in the database.  Click tab.  The Technical Name should gray out.  If you get an error, see troubleshooting steps below.

5. Enter the Display Name

6. Check the parameters that should be required.

7. Click Save.

You can now create maps and direct SmartConnect to call this proc as an eConnect proc.

So here is the scenario when it goes wrong:

1. I create a custom eConnect proc.  For the sake of this example I am NOT using node builder or any other tool.  I am just writing a sql proc and is econnect compliant.

2. I install this proc on a Dynamics GP company database.

3. I launch SmartConnect as an admin.  Go to node maintenance to add the node. For seemingly no reason, SmartConnect frequently decides that the proc does not exist.

Things to check before pulling out the old sledgehammer and reinstalling SmartConnect:

1. Make sure the proc is eConnect compliant.  Spelling on the output parameter names is important.
@O_iErrorState INT=0 OUTPUT,
@oErrString VARCHAR(255)='' OUTPUT

2. Try installing the custom node on all company databases and the DYNAMICS database before adding the node.  SmartConnect doesn't give us a way to tell it WHERE the proc is, so this works sometimes to get the node added.  You can then drop the proc from the databases where you don't need it.

3. Make sure the proc does not have any funky characters in the name (like - (dash)).  SmartConnect does not seem to like that.

4. Make sure there is a Pre and Post proc present, even if you are not using them.

5. Make sure all parameters start with @I_v except the 2 output parameters at the end.

6. Try restarting SQL server if possible, then restarting SmartConnect

If all else fails, you may have to use SQL Stored Procedure as that destination instead of eConnect Proc.

1 comment:

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